
About the Area

Where is Pocahontas County, Iowa?

The Center of Everywhere

Pocahontas County is a county in Northwest Iowa occupying 579 square miles – 577.7 square miles of land area and 1.4 square miles of water area. The nine communities of Pocahontas County are Fonda, Gilmore City, Havelock, Laurens, Palmer, Plover, Pocahontas (county seat), Rolfe, and Varina. The townships of Pocahontas County are Bellville, Cedar, Center, Colfax, Cummins, Des Moines, Dover, Garfield, Grand, Lake, Lincoln, Lizard, Marshall, Powhatan, Roosevelt, Sherman, and Swan Lake. Pocahontas County is adjacent to five other counties: Palo Alto, Humboldt, Webster, Calhoun, and Buena Vista. Five major state highways run through Pocahontas County. These include bisecting State Highways IA-3 and IA-4, as well as IA-7, IA-10, and IA-15.


11 W Elm Avenue
P.O. Box 212
Pocahontas, IA 50574
